What is #NailGlossip?
#NailGlossip is a bi-weekly Twitter nail chat hosted by Michelle from All Lacquered Up, Jen from The PolishAholic, and me. Each chat has a different topic. Past chats have included celebrity nails, polish trends, beginner nail art, subscription services, and gel polish hybrids, just to name a few!
When Is #NailGlossip?
#NailGlossip is every other Sunday at 9pm EST. Need to know when the next chat will be? Tweet one of us @AllLacqueredUp, @ChalkboardNails and @ThePolishAholic.
How do I participate?
You can join the discussion on your favorite twitter client by following the #NailGlossip tag and including it in any tweets you send. Us #NailGlossip admins love TweetDeck because you can create a column to track a specific hashtag.
During each #NailGlossip chat, there will be a number of giveaways. To be eligible to win, you must be 18 years old, a US Resident, following @AllLacqueredUp, @ChalkboardNails and @ThePolishAholic and use #NailGlossip in your tweets. Winners will be drawn at random and contacted after the chat to claim their prize.