Taking a cue from Liz, I thought I would pause a moment and address the end of Google Reader.
Yesterday, Google announced they would be retiring Reader in July.
"It's not you, it's me."
A well loved RSS reader service, GR let blog-obsessed people like me stay up to date with all of their favorite sites. Like many, I'm super bummed to see it go. However, it's time to look forward! I've already migrated my subscriptions to Feedly (the process is stupidly easy if you already have a Google Reader account). Bloglovin' is another blog subscription option (here's the CN page) & it too has an import function. If you're not feelin' either of those, Mashable wrote a great piece on Reader alternatives to look into.
Now, I'm no Google expert (and who is, really?), but it is my understanding that Google Friend Connect is not the same thing as Google Reader and will remain in the Google services lineup. However, it DOES seem to be on the way out. There's no reason you shouldn't get super extra double prepared just in case!
To ensure that you stay connected with Chalkboard Nails, consider following me via Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, Google+, YouTube, and/or Instagram. Don't forget to include me in whatever you get to replace Reader, too!
Forever yours in Google sadness,
(Comments are shut off in this post as I imagine the content will draw a lot of spam.)